Gospel - Shaped  Worship


What is Worship?

If you have breath in your lungs, then you were created for the purpose of worship.  Worship is devoting our lives and our loves to something that is of utmost value and worth to us.  We believe, according to the Bible - God's Word to us, that object of worship is the Creator God who formed us from the dust and gave us that very breath in our lungs.  We were made for worship of the triune God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


What is Gospel-Shaped Worship? 

  • It is worship that is dependent upon God’s Spirit to enlighten, govern and minister to God’s people

  • It is worship which follows the grand and true story in God’s Word (creation, fall, redemption, restoration)

    • which recognizes and appreciates the creativity of God and the image bearing of human beings

    • which includes a necessary and regular emphasis on sin and our own heart’s rebellion in order to expose our need for the Gospel

    • which emphasizes the centrality of Christ in all parts of Scripture and all areas of life

    • which displays a hopeful expectation for God to continue and complete his story: His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

  • It is worship that is framed on the LORD’s day (Sunday) in a formal, creative and unified liturgy

  • It is worship that is patterned by God’s creative order including weekly Sabbath rests and a seasonal Gospel approach to worship (i.e. Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost, Ordinary Time)

  • It is worship which includes an approach to the LORD of reverence and respect

  • It is worship which is accessible to our local, theological, cultural and educational contexts

  • It is worship which is humbly led with:

    • expository preaching and liturgy leading

    • excellence displayed in the creative arts

    • expressiveness which is authentic, affectionate and unashamed

  • It is worship which is not restricted only to the LORD’s day (Sunday) but reflected in every moment of our lives

  • It is worship which values corporate, family and individual expressions of worship

When we realize our place in existence - that we were made, that we are not God - the only appropriate response is to see ourselves in relation to our Creator and bend the knee, to deflect all praise and honor and glory to the Creator.
— Jared C. Wilson