New Here

What can I expect when I visit ASPC?

Along with our Core Values, here’s what you might see on a typical Sunday.


liturgical format

  • ASPC is a liturgical church. Maybe the word “liturgy” reminds you of past experiences where it seemed rote, not genuine, or even forced. Or maybe you’re not familiar with liturgy at all.

    Whatever your journey, we hope what you experience here both refreshes and encourages your heart. While the order of worship follows the same structure each week (Invocation, Adoration, Confession, Assurance, Thanksgiving, Edification, Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, and Response/Benediction), the specific call-and-response content is written fresh for that week’s theme.

    You can see an example of our worship guide on the home page, or under the most recent Sermon post.

  • You’ll not only see a liturgical format in our worship service, but also in the church’s monthly calendar. You’ll also see these themes represented in that week’s Prayers of the People.

    Week One: Focuses on our church body - Table Groups (link this to the page on Table Groups) meet during this first week.

    Week Two: Focuses on our local community. We leave breathing room in our events calendar to allow for neighbor engagement this week.

    Week Three: Focuses on our nation (Table Groups meet again this week).

    Week Four: Focuses on our world. This is tangibly seen in our Fourth Sunday Feast we hold after our worship service, a picture that all peoples are welcome to the Table of Christ.

  • We follow the traditional church calendar format - you may also see special services in celebration of these seasons (I.E., Ash Wednesday to start Lenten season, Good Friday, Christmas Eve)

    • Epiphany

    • Lent

    • Holy Week

    • Eastertide

    • Pentecost

    • Advent

    • Christmastide


hospitable environment

We hope you experience the hospitality of Christ when you visit ASPC. Our size allows us to notice newcomers, and engage in friendly conversation. Whatever brings you to ASPC, we hope you leave feeling seen and encouraged by who and what you encounter - both during the service and after.


family friendly

Little ones are welcome in our services ( yes, even though they sometimes have difficulty remaining quiet). We consider their presence in worship with us a welcomed thing and a “joyful noise.”

But we also want to answer the question, “what options are there for my kids?”

  • Drop your little one off in a clean, safe environment, where volunteers are members of ASPC and have passed background checks.

    Available during the entire service.

  • Your child will experience an age-appropriate lesson and activity with volunteers who are members of ASPC and have passed background checks.

    Available during the sermon portion of the service.

  • A quiet, comfortable room specifically set aside for nursing mothers, and includes a live stream of the service.

    Located near the front entrance.


A note on communion for kids

After we pray for Communion, parents may pick up their children from KidsTable and Nursery. Non-communing children are welcome to come forward and receive a spoken blessing over them.


some common questions

  • You might notice our pastor preaches in a white robe each week. Wearing a robe signifies that he is not standing before us to bring his own word - he is a representative bringing us God’s word.

    The robe is white to remind us of our standing before God - if we are disciples of Jesus, we are washed white as snow through the righteousness we receive through Christ.

  • You may notice we have communion (i.e., the Lord’s Supper) every week. This practice celebrates the hope we have through Christ’s death and resurrection.

    This Christ-ordained portrayal of the gospel is a centerpiece in our weekly worship, fitting perfectly into our core value of Gospel-shaped worship.


More questions?

Fill out our Contact Form - we’d love to talk more!