REstorative Presence in our Community
What is a Restorative presence?
As worshipers of God and disciples of Christ, we are also on mission to share with the world the grace and mercy which God has extended to us. Being a restorative presence in our community means that we do not insulate ourselves from the outside world but rather lovingly engage with people around us with the hope that they may see our love and recognize this love as coming not from ourselves but from the God who is the source of love and offer his gospel as a source of healing and help.
What does restorative Presence look like?
It is a presence which sees hospitality as a key weapon in the frontlines of spiritual battle
As we are on mission, we center our fellowship and relationships in the church around three tables.
It is our hope that through the transforming work of the Gospel that the number of people at each table would increase over the life of ASPC.
The Guest Table
where we are actively involved in the preservation and promotion of life in our community through social improvements and cultural engagement
where we worship as guests in the places in which we live. We are concerned about making sure our worship is suitable and sensitive to our current setting, where we treat facilities and people with care and respect
where we do not force our convictions on anyone unwilling or disinterested in hearing them but respectfully step back if there is disinterest
where we proclaim the Gospel in a loving and biblically-informed manner that encourages dialogue, actively listens and carefully responds to people’s questions and doubts
where we treat guests as those who are made in the image of God whose lives could be transformed with the love of Jesus; not as objects of evangelism
where we invite people out of love for Jesus and love for neighbor to “taste and see” Christian fellowship; by inviting them to participate in the friendship table or join us for a Sunday morning worship service
where we treat individuals and organizations who may differ in our worldview with respect and compassionate conviction
where we spend regular time as guests at the table in other people’s homes, businesses, community centers and schools
The Friendship Table
where we gather regularly around food to pray for one another, study God’s Word together and share how the Gospel applies to the story of our lives
we invite guests to join us at the friendship table bringing their questions, concerns and even objections to matters of faith
where conflict between individuals is not avoided but approached with grace, tenacity, humility and timeliness
where we meet in someone’s home and see our hospitality as a primary means of expressing love and welcoming the sojourner
where it is an open table to invite neighbors, friends and family
where the table serves as a springboard to deeper conversations among individuals
The Family Table
where the communion table is reserved for members of ASPC and those who profess faith in Christ and are in good-standing with a Gospel-preaching church
where the table is our window into the hope of God’s Kingdom feast fully established on a new earth as it is in heaven in which Christ is now and will ever be at the head of our table
where the table also becomes a picture of Gospel-diversity and unity not uniformity
where the table is a place where we would desire our children to participate to receive blessing and partake of the elements as soon as the LORD makes it apparent, upon examination by the elders, their readiness to engage at the table in faith
where it is our hope that the number of individuals and families participating at this table would grow
where the table is approached with discernment and care
“Food is our common ground...a universal experience.”