Who is All Saints Presbyterian church?
We are a people of God, sinners made saints by the gift of grace through Jesus Christ’s perfect life, substituting death and conquering resurrection.
Together as the people of God, the Church, we walk according to His Holy Spirit through our dependency upon the life-giving means of grace: His Word, His sacraments and prayer.
ASPC is part of a broader denomination, the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA).
You can read more about the PCA here.
Why are we here?
To enjoy and proclaim the grace and glory of God in our everyday lives of worship in order to display the love of Jesus and the hope of His gospel transformation to the lives of individuals, families, the community of Green Bay and the world.
How do We Live Out This mission and vision?
By trusting in God to bring Gospel transformation to our own lives and the lives of our neighbor through our core values of:
Gospel-shaped worship
Grace-dependent discipleship
A Restorative presence in our community
Our StafF
Pastor Chad Baudhuin
Teaching Elder
Pastor Chad and his wife, Bliss, have been actively involved in ministry in the Green Bay Area for over 20 years. Chad spent the earlier years of his adult life living in Nashville, Colorado Springs, and Chicago before returning back to his hometown, Green Bay. Chad has a Bachelor’s degree from Anderson University in Music Business. He also holds a master’s degree from Wheaton College in Clinical Psychology and a Master’s of Divinity from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis, MO. Prior to serving as planting pastor of All Saints, Chad served four years as an Associate Pastor at Jacob’s Well Church (our mother church) and also eight years as a Worship Pastor at Spring Lake Church in Green Bay.
Chad and Bliss have been married for over 19 years and have three growing and ravenous-eating boys. Bliss also currently serves as a counselor at NWTC. When Chad is off the clock you may find him running the pavement, swinging a tennis racket, or trying out a hobby-of-the-month.
“We are here at ASPC to bring God’s grace to every single facet of our lives: the extraordinary and especially the ordinary. Every person’s story matters to the Lord. It is our hope that the powerful story of God’s committed love for His people, ultimately revealed in the saving death and life-giving resurrection of His Son, would intersect with the people of Green Bay’s story so that more might taste and see that the Lord is indeed good!”
Contact Pastor Chad: pastorchad@allsaintsgb.org
Sarah Kiefer
Worship Coordinator
Raised by two musical parents, Sarah learned the joy of making music at a young age. Through high school and her adulthood, Sarah’s music was shaped primarily through experiences. As an adult, Sarah pursued music throughout the Fox Cities and Green Bay, performing with individuals and groups in local schools, choirs, and churches. She continues to be active in universities and with the Fox Valley Symphony.
When God directed her into the music ministry at ASPC in 2021, Sarah’s calling was clear to her. It was time to use her energy, her desire to create, and her experience in music more directly for God and his people.
Sarah and her husband, Tim, look forward to watching God’s story continue to unfold in their own lives but especially in the lives of their two beautiful daughters. Outside of music, Sarah loves gardening, camping, and having adventures with the people she loves.
“It’s my desire to aid my church family into a deeper and richer worship of the Lord. As I keep learning how to love people the way Christ shows me, my hope is that I’ll be a faithful encourager to those around me and a light to people who haven’t entered into the epic story of redemption yet.”
Contact Sarah: worship@allsaintsgb.org
Ben Hallett
Ruling Elder
Ben and his wife Amanda have been part of ASPC since its beginning in 2018. After meeting Amanda while studying Engineering in South Carolina, they returned to Ben’s hometown of Green Bay. After growing up with a solid faith foundation, God developed in Ben a growing thirst for Himself throughout college. The natural outflow was a greater love for His people, the church. While he and Amanda always envisioned church planting would be part of their story, neither of them expected that church plant to be in Green Bay. But, as ASPC was forming, God actively affirmed His call for them to be a part of it. Outside of his role as an elder, Ben is the lead Engineering Project Manager at Feeco International.
Ben and Amanda have two daughters. Ben enjoys reading, running, and being outdoors. When he is not chasing his kids, you might find him brewing a fresh roast of coffee in his Chemex.
“It is my hope that the people of ASPC grow in their understanding of who God is and how much He loves them. And that, as our vision of God grows greater, our love for those around us would overflow. Through the gospel of Grace, I pray our people, our families, our church, and the community of Green Bay would be transformed more and more into the image of our Savior.”
children’s ministry
Karen Schumacher
Children’s Coordinator
The Lord led Karen and her husband Paul to ASPC in January 2020. She worked as a civil engineer before teaching school and Sunday school for 22 years.
She enjoys inviting the Lord to use her as an influence in young image bearers’ lives as she guides them to understand His truth and His love for them. She also enjoys their energy and excitement for learning and for life.
Karen enjoys hiking, gardening, reading, and spending time outdoors with her husband. She has three grown daughters, three sons-in-law, and two grandchildren.
Contact Karen: karenschu45@gmail.com
Elizabeth Kee
Kid’s Table Coordinator
Elizabeth studied elementary education in college at Olivet Nazarene University, where she met her husband Matthew. After college, Elizabeth taught first grade in the public schools, then lived in Costa Rica for a year where she taught English. She later pursued a Masters in ESL and became an ESL teacher in the Green Bay Public Schools.
She and Matthew felt called to ASPC in 2022. She enjoys serving in children's ministry and is passionate about children being an active part of church life. She is reminded how Jesus tells us in Matthew 18:3-4, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and welcome like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
Elizabeth spends much of her time being a mom to her energetic boys. She enjoys music, spending time outdoors in God's creation, being near the water, and gardening.
Women’s ministry
The Women’s Ministry Committee exists to foster a community of connection, discipleship, and encouragement for the women of All Saints to grow, delight, and rest in Christ.
Members of the Women’s Ministry Committee:
Bliss Baudhuin, Amanda Hallett, Karen Schumacher, Grace Slippy, Kathleen Wolfgram
servant’s ministry
The Servant’s Ministry exists to support and serve ASPC in maintaining gospel unity and purpose by addressing the tangible needs of those within our church membership and the wider community in which we live.
Members of the Servant’s Ministry Committee: