

Table groups

What are Table Groups?

Table groups (i.e., small groups) center around a meal in someone’s home. It’s a family friendly environment that includes a short discussion on a Scripture passage, prayer together, and fellowship.

They typically follow the sermon series, by going deeper into the sermon from the Sunday before.

When do they meet?

Table Groups meet twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month. We intentionally only meet twice a month to allow blank space for members to engage their neighbors and take an active presence in their individual communities.

Table Groups typically meet during the months of October - May.


Bible Studies

What kind of studies does ASPC do?

We focus on Word-centered studies that encourage participants to grow in their knowledge of the Bible. You may see a rotation of studies that walk through a book of the Bible or a thematic book study.

We offer both Men’s and Women’s bible studies, and they typically meet during the months of October - May.

When do they meet?

Bible Studies typically meet twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month (on the off weeks of Table Groups).

Examples of past studies:


summer studies

What are summer studies?

With Table Groups and Bible Studies on break for the summer, these topical studies provide opportunity for our church to go deeper into a particular book. These studies are open to teens, men, and women,

When do they meet?

Summer studies meet, well…during the summer and are typically 6-8 weeks long.

Examples of past studies:


More questions?

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