Take Heart
Take Heart
The Pressurized Passage of Suffering
In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33
Two promises Jesus gives to us, his disciples:
1. In this world You will have tribulation.
2. I have overcome the world.
Tribulation according to this passage literally means “pressure.” Pressure in this passage has to do with narrow passageways. We start at point A - the world. The place in which we operate under the assumption that all of us are god, knowing and determining good and evil. There is faith required at point A. Faith to believe things about ourselves. To believe we have life figured out. To believe we’re right and the rest of the world (and God) are wrong. To believe the course of life rests in each and every individual’s hands. To believe we are our own.
But the call of Jesus draws his lost sheep out of this place to point B - the kingdom of God. A place of complete and full overcoming. A place of faith to believe we are not our own but belong to God. But not before passing through a middle place. The place of pressure. The place of suffering. What is the purpose to this place of pressure? To teach us how to die in order that we might truly live.
The thing about these places of pressure is that we can’t rush through them. I’ve never aspired to be a spelunker (cave explorer). It sounds awfully claustrophobic. I bristle at the thought even now of having to pass my body through a passageway much smaller than my body. But this is the pressure Jesus promises in John 16:33. It is also mentioned in places like Romans 5:2 where we are promised that getting to point B is sure for those who are hidden in Christ. The work was done. It is finished. Christ lived perfectly, died savagely and rose victoriously again in order to carve the opening between point A and point B.
But still we stare with concern at the place of pressure. It’s really going to require I pass through there? Through that place? I have to die in order to live?
Paul encourages followers of Christ as Jesus does in Matthew 16:33, that in the experiences of pressure we pass through, as we feel our lungs being crushed, our hearts being broken, our wills being submitted, we can rejoice. Believing without seeing. Faith in hoping that what is coming, point B, is a true reality. Because His Spirit assures us it is so. Nothing like the pressure places of suffering, of dying to ourselves and living in Him, can carve in us a place for joy.
We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope. Romans 5:3-4
As we pass through this present pressure point of quarantine, let us take heart toady and rejoice at this opportunity for hope.
Thoughts for Reflection
What are you being asked to “die to” in your current situation?
How does knowing suffering leads to hope give you reason to rejoice?
How does knowing Jesus has gone before you in suffering bring comfort?