Vanity Bonfires


Vanity Bonfires

The Emptying of Empty Pursuits

Vain is the salvation of man.  Psalm 60:11

It is a bad idea to manipulate or debate someone into believing the gospel.  Like a game of chess, we, as Christians, sometimes come up with our clever and winsome ways of making a convincing argument for the Kingdom of God.  If they say this, respond with that.  If they argue this, counterpoint with that.  That’s not to say there isn’t room for healthy banter about beliefs but no one is saved into the family of God with someone crying uncle with “Wow, you’ve worn me down.  You’re completely right.  I was foolishly wrong.  You win.  I want Jesus.”

But when we seek to understand someone’s story, really understand what it is that they’re longing for in their life, there will come a point where we can say, like Jesus did to his first disciples “what do you want?”  When we help people unpack their story to see there have been pursuits to go after what it is they want - be it peace, rest, victory, hope, love, comfort, approval, acceptance - and these pursuits have failed them.  These pursuits have been in vain meaning futile, hopeless, with little to no benefit.

This is why verses from Psalm 60:11 can bring a person who has hit the brick wall of their own pursuits actual comfort.  We can ask someone, including ourselves, “what am I expending a whole lot of energy on that I believe could actually save me?”  We can come alongside a person with hope to say these pursuits are vanity.  They need to go on the trash heap burn pile.  

Because the only thing which will provide for us peace, rest, victory, hope, love, comfort, approval, acceptance is never a thing.  It is a person.  The only person who can provide salvation - Jesus.  Peace between God.  Rest from having to work it out ourselves.  Victory over enemies.  Hope for eternity and then some.  Love that will never let us go.  Comfort when everyone’s left.  Approval that says “with you I’m well-pleased.”  Acceptance that in coming as sinners, we are made into saints.  

No current job or next venture will give you full security.  No family legacy will last forever.  No amount of likes or followers will be the approval you need.  No vacation or family home will provide the comfort you’re looking for.  These pursuits have proven, are proving or will prove empty.  The only pursuit which will save souls is the One who came to die for us so that we could live in Him.  

Father, tune our hearts to pursue a salvation which is singularly Jesus.  Amen.

Thoughts for Reflection: 

What pursuits have you learned over your life are empty?  

How might you still be tempted to pursue those options?

What do you want that only Christ can fully and permanently give?